Proofreading by PDF or CaseCATalyst:
- PDF only – mark transcripts using red text and highlighting, send back annotated pages via email
- Case CATalyst only – mark transcripts with track changes on, scan stops, hidden texts, conflicts, and carets
- Read full transcript for context and punctuation issues
- Mark grammar, spelling, punctuation, spacing, and formatting mistakes
- Double-check spellings and inconsistencies in names, addresses, phone numbers on the appearances page and body of transcript
- Double-check exhibits page for inconsistencies or misspellings
- Research spellings of specific industry terms
- Proofread the transcript to a final draft
Scoping by Case CATalyst:
- Double-check spellings and inconsistencies in names, addresses, phone numbers on the appearances page and body of transcript
- Double-check exhibits page for inconsistencies or misspellings
- Scope the body of the transcript with full audio
- Mark transcript with track changes on, hidden texts, scan stops, conflicts, and carets
- Insert missing words, mistrans/untrans and deleting any extra or double words
- Researching and verifying proper names and industry terms
- Fixing formatting issues
- Inserting parentheticals where necessary
- Verifying speaker tags both in Q&A and colloquy
- Make any job dictionary additions
- Assisting in adding to a reporter’s personal dictionary by periodically sending the update area
- Scope a transcript to the best of my ability and set up the proofreader for success
A scopist never proofreads to a final draft, and a proofreader is not a scopist. These are two separate jobs meant to be completed by two separate people. A reporter, scopist, and proofreader work together as a team to create the most error-free transcript possible. All must work with the same goals in mind to complete the job at hand.